Beauty and the Beast

The tale follows Belle, a beautiful young girl who loves reading books. Her dad is known to be the crazed inventor of the town and Belle’s mom is unknown. Gaston is the most handsome tavern owner in town and is wanting to marry Belle. Belle refuses and turns him down. Meanwhile, Belle’s dad gets lost in the forest on his way to a competition and stumbles into a castle. There, he meets a talking candlestick (Lumiere), a talking clock (Cogsworth), a talking teapot and teacup (Mrs Potts and Chip), a talking wardrobe (Madame de la Grande Busch), and a talking feather duster (Babette). The beast becomes aware of his presence and locks him in the dungeon. Belle goes looking for him and lets him out for in return that she will be the beast’s prisoner. The servants become friends with Belle and give her food and comfort. The beast starts to fall in love with her and she does as well. Belle runs away to save her father and Gaston brings an angry mob to kill the beast. After an epic fight, all the villagers run away and Gaston is seen fighting the beast. Gaston lands a blow to the beast, fatally injuring him but Belle prevents Gaston from killing him. As the beast is dying, Belle confesses her love for him. The castle staff and beast transform into humans. They all live happily ever after.


Good show and amazing cast. Had an itchy costume and felt like the director didn’t like me much.

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